Essential marketing books summed up in 404 words, or less.
In this post, we look at David Hieatt's 'Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more'. David Hieatt offers insight on how to build a purpose-driven business. It's much more than a 'marketing book', however, we recommend every member of your marketing team to read it.
David Hieatt was the man behind Howies, which was heralded as the Patagonia of the UK for action sports. He then sold the company to Timberland. It fair to say he knows a thing or two about what it takes to build a business.
The most important brands in the world make you feel something. We love purpose-driven brands.
A trend is the latest fashion, but it may just fade away. A zeitgeist is a shift that will stay shifted.
The competition has more of everything than you. Don't worry about what they have. You have it all. You have something you want to change.
A great mentor can really help you. Aim high. Just get in touch and ask them to be your mentor.
The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary. - Fred Wilson
Speed matters in a digital business. Patience matters in an analogue business.
Deadlines rule us. That's how we get stuff done. But deadlines shouldn't be easy. If you want to achieve amazing things quickly, set yourself tough, almost impossible deadlines.
If you are a business, 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. If you are a creative person, 80% of your awards/recognition/income will come from 20% of your output.
Those who keep pushing never have an easy life. It is a strong mindset and that way of thinking which means you never wake up to find the business gone.
Ideas need total commitment. They need all of your time, love, money and energy. If you are half-hearted about your idea, don't even start.
The job of the brand is to make the name and that logo stand for something.
Reputations take a decade to make. And one wash to lose.
Bare your soul. Tell your struggle. Tell your pain. Be vulnerable. Be honest. But most of all, be you.
Great brands gain compound interest of voice, thanks to the consistency of their voice.
Culture in business is a funny thing to talk about. You can't see it. You can't feel it. But when it's not right, you can both see it and feel it. Culture is not a big thing, just lots of small things.
Malcolm Gladwell believes 'talent is the desire to practice'.
Sometimes the best way to have ideas is to be thinking of something else.
Read David Allen's Getting Things Done book. A secret weapon.
The story of the seven matchsticks. Each one can be snapped. But when you join them together, no one can break them. The most talented people know they can't do it alone. Teams win.
Small budgets require brave ideas.
Some ideas are right in front of you.
We recommend you read Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more in its entirety. Follow the link here to grab yourself a copy.
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